March 29, 2008


I reckon that i've been blogging less during this period of time. Well, i guess i couldnt find the time to do so. Lets see whats there to blog with regards... Nothing really. Haha. Just a few more outfield this few weeks and this coming week i shall have a super long one. Oh, i've borred books from the library to keep myself occupied during the period of time. But still i must emphasize that i hate outfield cover, i would rather be in my med ctr doing stuff.

Just now after swimming, i accidentally dropped my phone in the changing room and the battery came out. Oh dear. The last time i dropped it was one day after it was bought and the same thing happened. And more importantly for this time, the floor is wet. Thankgoodness there is no instant death taking place.

I've accumulated up to a record high of 18 offs-in-lieu and i have to clear them in April, because the limit is 10. Thats it, after the one week long of outfield it would be mass spamming of off. MO says he will fight for my promotion, as well as for ah fu and seabass. Hopefully i get my well-deserved promotion now that i've met all criterias. Its really embarassing when my friends asked me about my current rank.

I think i am getting more and more unfit now after i passed my IPPT weeks ago. Oh well, i guess its exercise time. I must start psycho-ing myself that daily playing of table tennis after work with my colleagues is not equal to exercise. At least not to much of an extent.

There are more new songs and albums coming this period of time. I'm so excited. We have 吴克群、戴爱玲、张栋梁、何耀珊、五月天、etc, publishing new songs. Finally a reasonable surg of new songs after a drought period.

Anyway, QY and Wil came back from Thailand and they bought me a shirt from Thailand. So sweet of them. Haha. But they are leaving for Taiwan next week so we do not really have enough time to really go out or something. Oh well, dont really envy their army life. Still guess life as a medic in a med ctr still rules, and i get combat pay too...just that sometimes the units around have some slightly unreasonable request that we have to comply to thats all.

Ok, thats all for today, shall attempt to blog more next week after my one week long outfield. Bye !!!

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