July 27, 2008



July 12, 2008

Dilbert Comics

I've borrowed a few Dilbert comics for my own leisure reading and time wasting during outfield covers. I simply love this comic because the content is totally relevant to my current working environment hence allowing me to relate to them. From office politics to superior-subordinate relationship to work management, they are all perfectly fictionised in this wonderful comic strips. Because i can draw parallels between it with my work life, they never fail to make me laugh. Characters like Pointy-hair boss, Alice, Dilbert, Intern Asok, Dogbert, Catbert can all be compared to people in my medical centre, just that i wont want to mention who is who. Personally my favourite character is Dilbert for his sacarsm towards everyone else and also Catbert the evil HR director for his funny anti-employee policies just to satisfy his sadistic tendencies. As such, you can see how these office politics can drive normal people crazy. Sadly i am also a victim of it.

July 07, 2008


放长周末假期,今天算是最后一天,明天就得回兵营报到。刚好今天是青年节假期,难怪我家那年龄最小的没上学。今早出门也碰到很多学生。 想起来,自己好久没有过青年节了。虽然说自己芳龄19(附加几个月,因为今年过来生日后就迈入20岁关口),但想起最后一次庆祝青年节是中学时候,那时学校还有庆祝典礼来欢庆天下年轻人的青春。到了初院就没什么庆祝,因为刚好碰到年中考试。


这也怪不得人们把我形容为闷骚。身边好朋友也没几个。常常一天到晚呆在家。偶尔陪家人走走。。。真是所谓的"no life"。但若要我去踢球泡夜店的,进行一些自己不喜欢没兴趣的活动,又对不起自己。好乱喔! 我也搞不懂自己啦!只希望往后回头看,不会觉得自己浪费了青春。算了,祝天下年轻人青年节快乐!

July 04, 2008

TP Here I Come !!!

Took off today and managed to snatched a mid-morning driving lesson slot which i attended. Today's lesson officially marked my end of the learning phase, i.e. module 1 to 3. Now i am left with the last module which is revision and preparing for the ultimate TP - 31, 32 and 33 !!! Though i am rather not confident, but i am keen for my TP day to arrive - 8th Sept HERE I COME !!!

Ok, afternoon i had nothing on so i went swimming with JL who also happened to be on off. Tml sat my colleagues (forcefully) jio me go clubbing but i havent decide on whether to go. Basically i've not gone clubbing before. I do not enjoy loud music (or shd i say noise) and my parents dislike me to reach home late, not to mention clubbing = reach home in the wee hours like 3 to 4am? Sure kena hanged. Nonetheless i feel that i've grown so old and yet to experience what clubbing is like. So its quite a dilema here.

Anyway i am on off until monday. Returning to work on Tue morning to be greeted by a reservist MO who according to Seabass who already ORD-ed, he is very very fierce. Oh well, gd luck to me. As for now, i shall concentrate 100% on enjoying my off !!! Bye !!!