July 12, 2008

Dilbert Comics

I've borrowed a few Dilbert comics for my own leisure reading and time wasting during outfield covers. I simply love this comic because the content is totally relevant to my current working environment hence allowing me to relate to them. From office politics to superior-subordinate relationship to work management, they are all perfectly fictionised in this wonderful comic strips. Because i can draw parallels between it with my work life, they never fail to make me laugh. Characters like Pointy-hair boss, Alice, Dilbert, Intern Asok, Dogbert, Catbert can all be compared to people in my medical centre, just that i wont want to mention who is who. Personally my favourite character is Dilbert for his sacarsm towards everyone else and also Catbert the evil HR director for his funny anti-employee policies just to satisfy his sadistic tendencies. As such, you can see how these office politics can drive normal people crazy. Sadly i am also a victim of it.

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