December 31, 2007


I've decided to adopt the same slogan i used last year for this year's year-end reflection:

Reflecting The Past, Anticipating The Future

Alas, another year is about to end in just slightly more than an hour time. At this point of time, i would like to take a step back and looked carefully at what i've gained, what i've lost, and what i've learnt from the year of 2007.

A word to describe my year 2007 will be "Differ", "异". This is because my life completely changed in 2007 as i embarked on a new phase of my life by serving national service. The current lifestyle i am living differs from what i've in the past. The process of going through enlistment, BMT, basic medic course and now as a cbt medic at chong pang med ctr is far much enriching than i've ever thought it would be. It is a brand new type of lifestyle i've yet to go through before in the past as a student, infact, for the past 18 years.

What have i gained in 2007?
Friendship forged during the current 9 months plus stay in NS. Different phase of my NS life, i am meeting new group of individuals. Living and learning with these individuals widen my social circles and my perspective of the society and this world. More importantly, i've learnt how to live with all sort of people. Different people have different personalities, behaviors and needs. Learning how to compromise and accomodate for each other, hence making life better off for everyone, is a big gain for me in the year of 2007. It is just a reflection of society, that constitutes of different kinds of people of different backgrounds, different frontal and inner displays. Very important a gain for me.

What have i lost in 2007?
Freedom is one big aspect that i've lost in 2007. Entering NS is the admission to a very restricting environment where strict rules and regulations are all around to bound you. Apart from not having the priviledge to go home everyday, I have to follow directives and hierachy of rank strictly which is something i'm not very used to. However, i believe that 塞翁失马,焉知非福, there is gain for every loss. I believe that this lost of freedom to a brand new restricting environment can shape my character to the better, hence benefiting me in the future.

What have i learnt?
Many intagible benefits i've reaped and many invaluable lessons i've learnt in 2007. Apart from what i've mentioned earlier, i've also learnt many skills that is hard to learn from the outside world. From individual fieldcraft and handling of arms in BMT to precious life saving skills in BMC to human relation management skills in chong pang med ctr, all these cant be easily learnt from outside and i cherished what i've learnt in my year of 2007. I reassure that the learning process continues for the years ahead, even after i ORDed, till i enter university, till i stepped into the working world and then retired. 学海无涯, there is just too much to learn from, and these doesnt come in textbooks form.

Apart from enlistment to NS, 2007 is also the year i received a little bonus for working hard for the year of 2005 to 2006. Received my A level results in march this year and i am proud to say that i've attained satisfactory results for scoring 4 A lvl distinctions, though i frumbled a little in GP. This has allowed me to be invited back to college during college day to receive a prize (a trophy, a cert and book voucher) from the school. The last time i've ever went up to stage to receive an academic recognition is primary 3 when i got 3rd in class. Hence, it is a very special bonus to me for the year of 2007.

As such, my year 2007 can be described as fruitful but "differ" is still the word representing it. For the coming year ahead, i will still be in NS. I wish to challenge myself further for the coming year of 2008 for the following aspects. First, i wish to maintain or further achieve breakthrough in my fitness level. Second, i wish to improve my medical skills as i aspire to be a medic well respected by my colleagues and superiors for my outstanding performance and "very zai" skills in my medical centre, despite my role and rank. I'm not there yet but i will reach that final stage. Third, i wish to widen my social life further and make more friends, more importantly, be nicer to my current friends. Forth, i wish to complete learning driving by end of next year. Finally, i wish to further improve and polish my character, to become a better person in the future.

As such, i am ready to embark on my journey through this new year ahead...2008 蓄势待发!

I hereby wish everyone a happy and fruitful year ahead. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!!

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