December 17, 2007


I am clearing leave currently. So quite eng at home. But hor, i received a call from med ctr ask me this fri go back to cover for some stupid activity bcoz manpower shortage!!! Walau, i am on leave leh. ON LEAVE YOU FREAKING UNDERSTAND??? 嗨,没办法,说什么会補会我的假期,都不知道会不会对我的这一个“小小牺牲”有所感激。


巴士刚要驶出转换站,我正坐在这辆double decker的第二层。

This is AMK Hub. Took this foto when the bus juz turned out of the interchange.
发现今年许多购物商场的圣诞装饰都大同小异,都是Xmas Tree!!!


我在Bugis Junction下车。在那儿逛了逛。也买了自己喜欢吃的台湾炸鸡。
这是Bugis Junction里头的圣诞布置。
After that i walked down to National Library where i stopped to browse the books there for a while. After which i walked to Bras Brasah Complex to look at more books. Haha.
记得在读中学的时候,很喜欢到百盛楼购买assessment books, guide books and reference books.
雨越下越大。但自己又没有雨伞。好后悔。I'm walking in the rain。
Walked a short distance to Raffles City. Look at the deco, its Xmas TREE again !!!
既然到了Raffles City, 就得买那里出名的Donut !!! 幸好queue不长,所以排了一会儿就买到了。

The interesting thing bout the queue there is, it is kinda seperated in the middle in order not to block or obstruct the human traffic flow. Saw this signboard at the queue。 Kinda interesting they notify their customers that the availability of the donut might be compromised by the larger number of customers buying.

买完Donut后,便走去Plaza Singapura那里的Times Bookshop买书。It is proven that I cannot read books because the moment i read 2 to 3 pages i started to fall asleep. But then i needa spend the Times voucher (gotten as a prize by my JC for scoring 4 A lvl dist) b4 it expired early next year. Anyway, 路途中路过了SMU,发现那一带改变了很多。SMU也建得非常新非常美,真可惜那不是我想报读的大学,因为我对business management 之类的科目没兴趣。

Anyway, 逛完了Plaza Sing就搭地铁回家。路途中有一个很没有礼貌的uncle用他那不知道装什么的红色low class plastic bag撞我手中的那盒donut。好像揍他,but 看他是 "senior citizen"所以放过他这一回。这一撞可撞坏了我的donut。买给家人吃的donut可遭殃了!
Anyway, 回到家打开盒子一看。。。

Lets take a closer look.....

OMG !!! Arent they delicious?
Seriously speaking i've yet to taste donut factory's donut b4. I got try other brands la, but this is the brand that got the recent donut craze started.
Cant wait to sink my teeth into one of them !!! Yummy !!! Oishi !!!

Anyway, 这是我用voucher买回来的一袋书籍。Hehehe...

这个星期四的好友圣诞聚会的礼物也准备好了。是我昨天到Marina Sq买的。希望收到礼物的朋友会喜欢。Its kinda present exchange thing you know. So yah, looking forward to this thursday man.

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