June 07, 2009


When i stepped out of the tunnel connecting Dhoby Ghout station and Plaza Sing on saturday evening, i see crowd made up of mostly NSF....whats more...recruits. They were everywhere...carls junior, pizza hut, etc...clusters and colonies of them. Well, they can be easily identified coz of their short, if not, botak, hairstyle. So yah, not that i wasnt an NSF once, but it just amazed me how easy i can identify this group of young guys now that i've orded compared to last time before i enlisted. Anyway, its something worth celebrating for the recruits coz i heard they're pop-ing soon this week. So girls out there who are attracted to fresh hot-blooded NSF, please head down to PS during weekends....hahaha. For pple who dislike crowded area like me, juz stay clear from there. =P

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