February 06, 2008



Anyway, just let me continue this entry with english. Last night, my family made a last minute dash to the nursery 年华市场 to buy flowers. We went to this ulu ulu but big nursery at jalan kayu. Inside 的flower鲜艳夺利、百花齐放、玲琅满目、五花八门、鸟语花香、etc. We bought quite some plants, some for ah ma as well.

This pot of 水仙 is one of the 3 pots we bought. One gave ah ma, two we keep. The thing is, it is only sold at 3 for $10. Well, dun see that its still far away from blooming. The secret to let it bloom fast is to add ice to it. The next day sure bloom until dunno wad.

This pot of bamboo is my sis want to buy de. It is planted in some nutrients thingy where minimum water and no soil is needed.

Ok, this is not bought last night. It is infact bought a long time ago. This mini orchid hanged at the kitchen window is starting to bloom !!!

This is the first thing you will see when you open the main gate and step into my house during this CNY.

My collections of plants placed outside my main gate along the corridor.

This pot of chrysenthymum has alot of new flower buds. I got it last night for $10 per pot. The other pot was given to ah ma.

Anyway, i just came back from reunion dinner at ah ma house. Its steamboat again, baby !!! And every year, i have to squeeze my creativity juice to come out with a new CNY dish for every yr's reunion dinner and hence i started on this yr's just now in the afternoon. I named it 富贵黄金, its basically pumpkin tofu. 豆腐的腐has the same谐音as富贵的富whereas the pumpkin made the dish golden in colour hence 黄金。

Well, since this afternoon, i started preparing the dish. I bought the pumpkin this morning at the market and i have reserve stock of 2 tofu at home. So i blended the pumpkin until it turn pulp. Then i blend the tofu until it turn liquid soya. Then i blend both the pumpkin and tofu together until it looks like papaya milk. Next, i steamed them and placed them to cool so that they can solidify.

When i reached my ah ma house, i coat the solidified pumpkin tofu with corn starch and deep fry it until it turned golden brown. Next, i kope some of the steamboat's stock and cooked it with the remaining pumpkin pulp and cooked a golden colour sauce which is poured over the deep fried tofu. Delicious. It is crispy at the ouside and soft in the inside. I blended the idea of tofu and pumpkin because i want to make use of the tofu's silkiness and the pumpkin's sweetness. Furthermore, the only ingredients used were tofu and pumpkin. Simple. The dish, overall, tasted nice as expected but the only flaw is that the tofu is too soft and it tends to go out-of-shape. Yay, hurray for my 富贵黄金!
Anyway, tml is CNY le !!! Visitings again, baby!!! Anyway, if u guys keen to come visit me plz msg me and i see if i am available anot. Ok, thats all. Happy CNY eve, waiting for countdown !!!

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