May 15, 2004

Its only e start of my "retribution". Haha. Thats rite, coz my mid yr results sux like hell. No Als yet. And there will definitely be no chance of A1s coz those subjects that i can get A1 r alreadi back n they didn get A1. I currently got 2 A2s n 1 B4. Sux man. Dun wish to tok bout that anymore. Went to cut my hair juz now. Well, i ever thought of cutting my hair real short so i can spike them. But i dun think i will do so. Dunno, perhaps i think that don't suit me. Well, perhaps i may try that when i grow older.

Oh yah, Survivor All-Star have come to an end. So sad. The 2nd million dollar went to rupert. Hurray!!! According to viewers' votes, Colby got the most sexiest guy, Amber is e sexiest babe, Johnny Fairplay is e best Villian & the scene where Rupert loot items from the opp tribe in Survivor Panama is e best scene. Haha. Quite lame though. Oh yah, the best fight is e fight between Rupert n Johnny Fairplay in Survivor Panama. So thats all. The next survivor season will be in this Sept. And guess where izzit held. Its in the islands of the southern pacific. The country of Vanuatu that is. In the remote waters of the South Pacific near the tumultuous ring of fire is an exotic land where ancient cultures thrive and nature makes it's fury known. These are the islands of Vanuatu. In this land of volcanoes and ritual, sorcery is real and the spirits of the dead are believed to have power over the living. More than 80 islands are home to over 100 languages and a diverse group of tribes and clans live out their history in today's world. Vanuatu is the home to the famous land divers of Pentecost Island. Vanuatu is also a land with a fascinating history of cannibalism. But these islands are also a tropical paradise with untamed jungles, stunning beaches and crystal blue waters. The indigenous peoples have made this archipelago home for over 5000 years.

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