January 22, 2009

Spring Cleaning + Red Cliff 2

I started the first day of my 1 month plus pre-ord off spree doing spring cleaning at home. I realize i'd not done any serious spring cleaning ever since i graduate from JC. I started around 10 in the morning, starting from my study table to my bookshelf and then my own walldrobe. I started rearranging the storage of my books, files and cleared alot of unwanted stuff. I was much more merciless than before in terms of clearing unwanted things. I basically threw anything and everything which i feel i would not be using again. By 3pm, i had 5 bags full of rubbish to be thrown away, 2 bags of magazines and old textbooks to be recycled and 1 bag of clothes to be sold to karang guni. My room feels so much neater and emptier. Great sense of satisfaction. Making space for my army fieldpack and stuff coz i will be ord-ing soon and i need place to keep them for future reservist use. In the process of spring cleaning, i stumble upon some old photo albums dated back to primary school days and i realize zomg, i was so cute back then. Hahaha. But of coz now i am turning 21, i am also very "cute and handsome", just in the "more mature ways". Hahaha.

At around 5pm, i met GR at AMK Hub for movie. We previously had an arguement on whether to watch Red Cliff 2 or Ip Man. In the end i won. I initially thought the movie is going to start at 5.45pm, but only to realize i checked the wrong date of movie schedule on yahoo last night. I checked yesterday's schedule instead of today's. It always happened to me. In the end, we tried out luck at Jubilee's Eng Wah and managed to catch the show half an hour earlier than what was offered at AMK Hub's Cathey. The movie was an abstract from The Romance of Three Kingdom, showing how Zhou Yu and Zhu Ge Liang outwitted Cao Cao in war stratagies. It was very enticing. The story of 草船借箭 and 万事俱备只欠东风 was depicted in the movie. The final war part where lotsa fires and explosions were very impactful. I love it. They removed more of the glore violence and built up more of the storyline. After the movie, the two of us had dinner at Astons. Reached home around 10pm. Eventful day.

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