July 22, 2007

Its time to book in, once again. Before i leave my cozy home to embark on another week of trecherous journey in the camp, i shall discuss a little about last week's training. Basically we do the same old thing again, bandaging and stuff and it is really hard to keep myself awake despite the extra dose of caffine i could administer during the hard-to-get free time. The climax of the week is Thursday evening where we practise on our first 16G IV session. 16G if you have knew, is of the size of a Yakult straw (unlike the thinner 20G we practised on previously) and imagine piercing it under your skin, navigating under it to find the correct vein and successfully launch it in. It is infact an excrucinating experience where i have to resort to biting my own jocky cap. One of the most hilarious scene i've witnessed was when one of my platoon mate was in such great pain and fear that he bit his jocky cap, clinging on to another's leg who stood nearby, shaking all over and shouting in pain "I'm not scared" as though he is giving birth. Never underestimate the power of 16G. Anyway, tommorow, tuesday and wednesday are exam days for me where i will be tested on all the bandages and PAM. I doubt i can pass for it is really difficult trying to remember all the 100+/- types of bandages. We will see as it goes.

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