October 12, 2006

Graduating in one day's time. To think of this, time really flies very quickly. I recalled the first day stepping into AJC on 2nd Jan 2005...a whole lotsa unfamiliarity and excitment. Throughout the 2 years i've been thru happiness, sorrow, anger, fustration, etc...all these experiences shaped what i am today that is not in me 2 yrs ago. There were wonderful joyful events where i enjoyed every single bit of it, there were also some not so happy events, where i realized to what extent can i be stretched, both in the good n the bad ways. Sometimes i think i should not have gotten myself involved in these bad experiences, but on the other hand, if not for these bad experiences, how would i grow, how would i get to know myself more. To those people affected by my "devastating" actions (you know who you are, but you all "won" anyway), i deeply apologize but if i were to chose again, i will chose to do the same thing. Thats for the sake of self dignity and pride. You guys might have won the battle upfront, but i've won the experience of a battle well fought. Perhaps this small little power struggle incident will prepare me for more in the future, and its for self preservation.

Digressing from the not so happy events, i've come to a recollection of what i've achieved in the past 2 years. Non-acadamically, a roller coaster ride to my personal peak, and then fell down painfully onto the bottom pit, its a really hard fall, but i've learnt to be more resistent. People may view me as a failure for this, but i viewed myself as a winner...at least the impact of my actions is lasting enough to cause some woohaa in the association. Academically wise, i've proved myself to be what i'm used to be. From a pathetic state where i failed every single test miserably, to now, a slightly average student like what i used to be in sec sch...its a difficult process to climb that ladder. But then, i climbed on and hopefully prelims is not my peak. I may feel tired sometimes but i must consistently remind myself, what is my purpose, what is my aim, what is my goal. A little self reflection may serve as a catalyst to continue climbing that ladder. Although i did not climb as fast as some of my peers, the top of my ladder seems nearer each day. Different people have different ladders of different height. Thats the measure of each individual's potential and capability. For my dear friends who have not reached a certain desirbale height, reassure thats not the top of ur ladder, u can still make it to the top, jiayou. Sometimes i slided down the ladder a little, but still, the climbing process continued and will continue until the last paper of A levels.

Have developed many memories in AJC. Orientation 1, open house, haunted house, student learning team, etc. Be it good or bad, i've not only learnt bout myself but others. There are sooo many wonderful people out there to interact with. You learnt from them they learnt from you. You learnt that they are kind, friendly, approachable, possess good attitudes, etc. Then you ask yourself, "can i be a better person by also possessing their qualities" then you grow. Friendship may differ in magnitude for everyone, but no matter how small the magnitude is, it is still the fate that brings these people to you, so cherish them, cherish the time you have with them. Apart from friends, i've met wonderful teachers in AJC. Most of them are approachable, understanding and caring. They want us to learn, want us to succeed in A levels and move on...at this moment, a big thank to all of them. Whether its your scolding or your encouragement, they have impacted me one way or another, but for sure, its for the better.

And then, its one more day left. I wonder if i will miss the different spots n corners in the school just like how i used to miss my zhss. We complain bout the poor facilities and infrastructure about AJC, but i'm sure there will still be some corners in the school that will bring back some good memories right? For me, these places includes my J1 homeroom 10-23, my J2 homeroom 133, the AJC audi where my class was given special VIP seatings along the rear (i.e. stairs) due to limited no. of seats, the PE dept, where every PE lesson is like Tekong (although i've yet to experience it), the hall's control room - lousily facilitated, LT3 - the haunted LT and also, the deserted back route behind the classroom blocks where i used to smuggle food from the canteen all the way back to my homeroom in 133. All these piece together to form what AJ is in my memory. I think i will miss them as much as i desire AJ to have a new school building.

As such, i will like to express a big thankyou to all the people (friends, classmates and teachers) i've came upon with in my 2 yrs stay in AJC. And then we move on... ...

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